Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oatmeal pancakes Day 5 & 6...

Day 5:
It was a good day. Wendy and I took our measurements in the morning. Not a good thing for me. I think that's why I failed at weight watchers. I just have to do it and not look back. The measurement thing is now hanging over my head. Now I really know how fat I am. I like to be under the illusion that I'm smaller than I am.  Enough said...

Pinkberry is goooood. I indulged myself at the end of my hot day. A little sugar wont kill me. I never really liked Pinkberry before. Not eating dairy lately has made my taste buds change. It was delicious. I especially love that in NYC they put calories on everything-even the little sides. Love that.  

Also had a delicious vegetarian stir-fry at Dragon Fly. Yummmm. 

Later that night I went over to my friend Cathy's place. Again, another awesome friend...she made a whole spread of delicious healthy snacks. Here are a few...

Wow, I'm sure you're so happy I've attached these gorgeous pictures. ew! My phone camera really doesn't cut it. Anyway, it's another day down and I won. 

Use your imagination...Asparagus Salad. Despite the photo, it was delicious

Salsa....yummy and these baked tortilla chips saved me. They taste like paper but you need something to eat the salsa.

Even baked Tortilla chips are good when you're not indulging in carbs often.

Halle and Cathy...Thank you for the lovely dinner Cathy! xo

Day 6:
Well, it's 4 and I've yet to do anything. This day is flying by and it's the hardest one so far. I'm not feeling it. What I do feel is lots of anxiety and I wanna eat some really good bad stuff. Nope, I will not be bad. I gotta get to work and do what this day intends me to be doing... productive things. 

Breakfast idea:
I made oatmeal pancakes that were amazing. I used left over oatmeal and cooked them with some PAM spray- a little Agave and berries... delicious. 


  1. yesssss!!!!! i love that you got through the day. and that you feel good. that makes me happy. i love you. xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. YOU RULE, MONA! I'm so proud of you. And I'm totes tryin those cakies!
